Added options to autostart on system boot and to minimise to taskbar in Windows.Added saving of selected sorting and order.Added ability to select and work with multiple files.Added support for starting single Vulcan sheetcutter to read QR-codes.Added support for starting all Vulcan sheetcutters automatically to read QR-codes.Added Summa barcode-server for all Summa machines, or to start it manually for a single device.Added special cutter-features in device setup dialog for Vulcan and Summa currently.Added 32 and 64-bit Spooler, which are chosen automatically in the installer.Fixed mouse cursor icon size with high dpi-resolution displays.Fixed Graphtec and Roland contourcut to only disable marks within a certain size in order to allow the use of a surrounding frame.Fixed ARMS-contourcut intermittent crash due to closing communication prematurely.

Fixed Summa-dll handle from crash in 64-bit mode.Fixed HTML-views not scaling, by changing to use Microsoft Edge on Windows 10+ systems.Fixed Microsoft edge-browser plotter-dialog rendering.Fixed Weedingline rectangle to draw full square.Added text-change of the Cutout-button to reflect if it's going to open a new dialog instead, like for contourcutting.Fixed rendering of stroke colour in workarea view.Fixed Signcut Draw fileformat parsing to manage linewidth and stroke colour.Fixed SVG to ignore content in flow-elements.(adds better compatibility for SVG-files) Fixed SVG-text to pop the attribute when closed.Fixed QR-code file finder for Vulcan contourcut.Changed plugin to update the AI-file so it is always loaded when clicking the Import-button instead of loading the generated plt-files.Changed overcut to follow the path instead of going in a straight line.Revised GCC contourcut-module and added support for AAS II PRO for all functions including segmental cutting.Added ARMS CAM support for E-cut and Vevor drivers.Added Liyu MC series CCD camera contourcutting.